Improving the StarKids Product to Introduce Post-training Cognitive Game

BrainCo Inc is a brain-computer interface (BCI) company that develops products and services for the U.S. and global markets in personal health and wellbeing, robotic prosthetics and STEM education. Among all products, StarKids is a BCI-based autism intervention tool that combines a non-invasive EEG headband with computer-based games, activities and exercises.


Oct 2020 - June 2021




StarKids V2.0-2.2.5


Adobe XD, Lanhu, Axure, PhotoShop, Illustrator

Project Background
Design Goal
Project Challenge
Design Principles
Design & Iteration

01 | Project Background

Project Showcase Video πŸ‘‰

The neurofeedback product-service solution: StarKids

StarKids is a neurofeedback product-service solution targeted at preschool children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in special education contexts. It combines with neurofeedback training (NFT) games and videos and EEG headband device to enhance social and attentional capabilities in children with autism



How it manages to provide therapy?

1️⃣ Pre-game conversation helps the child develop empathy and increase motive in completing the task

2️⃣ Within each game, there is an index that reflects the level of social attention, which can be high, medium, and low. The headband detects real-time EEG signals which are translated to an index value by the AI algorithm.

The movement of the game character varies according to the level of social attention, so do the background music and sounds.

The movement of the snake changes as the level varies


3️⃣ Game report displays the child's EEG analytics and provides the therapist with quantitative feedback to optimize teaching plans

4️⃣ Post-training cognitive games test the child's cognitive understanding and recall ability

02 | Design Goal

HMW design an intuitive game for children with ASD to improve their cognitive ability through a new feature in the StarKids product?


03 | Project Challenge


Challenge 1: Lack of industry knowledge

As someone new to the industry, it may be difficult to understand the jargon, terminologies, and key players in the market.


How I Overcame:

1) Consult the research team to know more about how they design for this user group during the MVP phase.

2) Visit the special education center and conducted user interviews with the therapists to have a deeper understanding of their work routines.


Challenge 2: Understand children with ASD

Without being able to directly interview children with ASD, it is challenging to understand their preferences and behaviors.



How I Overcame:

Conduct field observation and observe how children with ASD interact with NFT games

‍Challenge 3: Vague Design Requirements

There is no specific requirement and the team would like to explore different directions and ideas to find the best solution.

‍How I Overcame:

Competitive analysis: I decided to start with a broad exploration of ideas and gradually narrow down the focus based on feedback

04 | Design Principles

05 | Design &Β Iteration


User Flow

The post-training cognitive game serves as a retrieval practice to help children retrieve information from the game/video training they previously saw, thereby reinforcing their cognitive ability.



The post-training cognitive game serves as a retrieval practice to help children retrieve information from the game/video training they previously saw, thereby reinforcing their cognitive ability.


When user clicks the "play" button, the video plays and the name of the action will be announced







I showed the wireframes to child autism researchers, design lead, and developers within the team, and got the following feedback and potential solution:

Final Design



Frontiers in Psychology's research shows that ASD users see colors with greater intensity. This hypersensitivity to colors, especially bright ones, leads to sensory overload and causes discomfort in ASD users. It is suggested that we use soft, mild, and light unsaturated tones when possible.

Therefore, I tried to adjust the contrast ratio and color choices by slightly altering the text colors and button styles to ensure accessibility. However, due to the constraint of pre-existed design system, I was not able to implement in the launched version.


Redesign of the EEG report page




High-fidelity design of the Post-training Game feature


Incorrect answer(s) will be dimmed while the correct answer is highlighted with flashing pink stroke. This aims to decrease failure stimulation by offering visual cues.



06 | Reflection


πŸ€— The post-training cognitive games feature was successfully implemented by the developer team and still kept in the current product as a supplement for the training. Although it was not perfect, I am really proud that my idea can contribute to the autism therapy process and help more autistic children!

πŸ–₯ Since this feature was designed at the beginning of my internship, it was a good opportunity for me to better understand the needs of our targeted users β€”β€” preschool autistic children, which also becomes a solid foundation for my prospective designs within this area.

πŸ’‘I was also able to validate my design by having regular field visits in the special education center by observing how the feature was used by the therapists. Watching the feature going alive in real life brings me huge satisfaction!

This is the first and valuable experience for me to work within a cross-functional team for 8 months. I learned about their work process, things they care, and practiced to better communicate with developers, therapists, and researchers to create better products that fit users' needs.

We visited a hospital to demonstrate the NFT game

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